Groups typically run in 8-12 week series.

Check back frequently for new groups forming

or contact me for more information or to be put on an email list for upcoming groups.

Letting Go to Grow: lO-week Group Series for Women

Letting go of the inner tension of the past not being the way you would have it. Letting go of patterns, thoughts and behaviors that no longer serve you. Letting go of the people, environments and situations that are not good for your well-being. Letting go of resentments, fear, the lies you tell yourself, the past you're tightly gripping on to, the uncertainties that lie ahead. Letting go with intention and reverence to embrace the paradox of life and find healing and nourishment for your spirit to thrive.

  • Boundaries & Self Esteem

    This group is for women who have trouble saying “NO” and/or often feel responsible for the emotional reactions of others, have difficulty setting healthy boundaries and poor self esteem. Women in this group will learn skills to improve self-awareness, be brave, courageous and vulnerable without defaulting to feelings of guilt, shame and remorse for who you they are and what they need. We will work on befriending that inner critic or yours, identifying and challenging core beliefs and encourage growth and self awareness.

  • Resilience in Action

    Women’s trauma healing, and resilience group for those with high levels of anxiety and trauma history. The group is designed to teach how what has happened to you-- impacts you. By understanding common trauma responses women will have support to identify and change maladaptive ways of being through learning and applying an infusion of mindfulness, polyvagal theory, emotion identification and regulation strategies are emphasized. It is through connection and healing that these women build resilience and reclaim their authenticity.